“EQUALIIY IN ONE WORLD”——“世界大同”,是第七届远东及南太平洋地区残疾人运动会的主题。泰国的艺术家们,在1月10日曼谷市郊法政大学中心体育场上,用绚丽的服装、优美的舞蹈、动人的歌诗、烂漫的礼花,将这一伟大的主题表现得别具风采。七届远南开幕式,如画、如诗、如梦…… 几架动力滑翔伞在空中掠过,“远南”会旗和泰国国旗在滑翔伞后张开。在全场观众的欢呼声中,北京时间7时10分,开幕式的第一乐章“泰国精神”开始了。
“EQUALIIY IN ONE WORLD” - “World Datong”, is the theme of the Seventh Far East and South Pacific Paralympic Games. Thai artists, on January 10 at the University of Bangkok suburb of Hosei University Stadium, with beautiful costumes, beautiful dance, touching poems, brilliant fireworks, this great theme to show the unique style. The seventh Far East Opening Ceremony, picturesque, poetic, dreamlike ... Several powered paragliders swept through the air and the “Far South” flag and the Thai national flag opened behind the paraglider. Cheers at the audience, 7:10 Beijing time, the first movement of the opening ceremony of “Thai Spirit” began.