赣南闽西是中国客家人的聚集区,20世纪30年代客家山歌在这个地区极为盛行,在革命战争年代里,起了极其重要的历史作用。本文仅就30年代客家山歌的繁荣及其原因与影响,作一初步的探讨。 一 中国共产党领导的土地革命给客家地区带来了翻天覆地的变化,同时,也赋于客家山歌新的内容,使之焕发出革命的风采,客家山歌的创作,出现了繁荣的景象,其特点主要表现在以下4个方面。 30年代创作的客家山歌数量多。第二次国内革命战争时期,客家人创作了成千
South Jiangxi and Fujian West are the gathering areas for Hakkas in China. In the 1930s, Hakka folk songs became extremely popular in this area and played an extremely important historical role in the revolutionary war era. This article only makes a tentative discussion on the prosperity of Hakka folk songs in the 1930s and its causes and effects. The agrarian revolution under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party brought tremendous changes to the Hakka area. At the same time, it also gave new content to Hakka folk songs and gave them a revolutionary style. The Hakka folk songs have shown a prosperous appearance. Their main characteristics In the following four aspects. 30’s Hakka folk songs created a large number. During the Second Revolutionary Civil War, thousands of Hakka people were created