1867年冬,俄国彼得堡军需部开仓发放冬装。奇 怪的是,这次发放的军大衣全都没有扣子,官兵们对 此十分不满,此事一直闹到沙皇那里。沙皇听了大臣 的报告后,大发雷霆,要严厉处罚负责监制军装的官 吏。军需大臣恳求宽限几天,以便对此事进行调查。 这位大臣到军需仓库查看,他翻遍了整个仓库, 竟没有一件大衣上有扣子,负责仓库保管的军官和士 兵们都说,这些军装入库时,都钉有扣子,扣子是不 可能丢的。那么,这数以万计的扣子究竟哪里去了 呢?
The winter of 1867, Russia’s Petersburg Military Quarter opened its winter clothes. Strangely enough, all the army armor dispensed this time did not have a button, and the officers and men were so dissatisfied with it that the incident had landed on the tsar. After listening to the minister’s report, the tsar was furious and severely punished the officials responsible for supervising the military uniform. The military minister pleads for a few days of grace to investigate the matter. The minister went to the military depot for inspection. He searched through the entire warehouse. There was not a button on the coat. The officers and soldiers in charge of depot storage said that they were pinned and unbuttoned when they were loaded Lost So where are the tens of thousands of buttons going?