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第一条为了加快电力建设,缓解我省电力供需矛盾,鼓励集资办电、保障集资办电单位的合法权益,根据国发[1985]72号文件国务院批转国家经委等部门《关于鼓励集资办电和实行多种电价的暂行规定》的通知,本着“谁投资、谁用电、谁得利”的政策,结合我省实际,特制定本办法。第二条凡我省部属电网范围内集资新建电厂或机组(含配套送出工程),其产权所有可采取两种形式:一是集资单位按投资比例拥有产权,分取利润;二是买用电权的办法,即产权归电网,由电网向集资单位分期还本付息。这两种形式,集资单位可按投资比例分享用电权,二十年不变。集资单位可任选一种,在集资办电协议中予以明确。 Article 1 In order to speed up the construction of electric power, ease the contradiction between supply and demand of electricity in our province, encourage fund-raising, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fund-raising offices and electric power units, according to Guofa [1985] No. 72 document, the State Council approves the State Economic Commission and other departments “on the encouragement of fundraising offices”. “The Provisional Regulations on Electricity and the Implementation of Multiple Electricity Tariffs” is based on the policy of “Who invests, who uses electricity, and who benefits from it?” Article 2 All provinces and sub-generals that raise capital within the scope of power grids to build new power plants or units (including supporting delivery projects) may have two types of property rights: First, fund-raising units own property rights according to the proportion of investment, and divide profits; second, buy electricity. The method of power, that is, the property right is returned to the power grid, and the power grid pays interest to the fund-raising unit in installments. In these two forms, the fund-raising unit may share the right to use electricity in proportion to the investment, and will remain unchanged for 20 years. The fundraising unit may be one of the options, which shall be specified in the fundraising office’s electricity agreement.
各市人民政府、行署,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 省政府同意省电子工业局《关于贯彻国办发[1998]124号文件解决我省计算机2000年问题的报告》,现转发给
在“九五”期间和今后15年,我国饮料工业的发展指导思想是:“天然、营养、优质、多品种、多档次”以普及碳酸饮料为主,利用我国资源优势,积极发展果蔬类饮料、蛋白 During