患者 男性,74岁.反复发作性咳喘6年余,加重2天入院.查体:T37.6℃,R24次/分,P96次/分,BP17.4/llkPa(130/82.5mmHg)。意识清,呼吸急促,口唇轻度发绀,双肺布满哮鸣音及小水泡音。叩诊过清音。心音低钝,心率96次/分,律整,心浊音界缩小,肺A_2增强,未闻及病理性杂音。腹部平坦,肝脏在助下1cm,质地中等,无压痛,肝颈静脉回流征阴性。双下肢水肿Ⅰ度。心电图示肺型P波,右心室肥厚。WBC17.6×10~9/L,N 0.89,L 0.12,Hb 140g/L。
Male patient, aged 74. Repeated recurrent cough and asthma more than 6 years, increased 2 days admitted to hospital Physical examination: T37.6 ℃, R24 times / min, P96 beats / min, BP17.4 / llkPa (130 / 82.5mmHg). Consciousness, shortness of breath, lips slightly cyanosis, lungs covered with wheeze and small blisters sound. Percussion over the voiceless. Heart sound low blunt, heart rate 96 beats / min, law, heart dullness narrowing, lung A_2 enhancement, no smell and pathological murmur. Abdomen flat, the liver in the help of 1cm, medium texture, no tenderness, liver neck vein reflux sign negative. Lower extremity edema Ⅰ degree. ECG shows pulmonary P wave, right ventricular hypertrophy. WBC17.6 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N 0.89, L 0.12, Hb 140g / L.