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初中正是学生个人素质养成的重要时期,而音乐又恰恰是素质教育中较为关键的一环,所以初中的音乐教育渐渐开始被人们重视起来。但是,初中的音乐教育在教育方式上仍然存在不少问题。那么,作为一名音乐教师该如何上好音乐课才能真正帮助学生成长呢?本文将就这个问题进行探讨并提出一些建议,希望能够对学生音乐素质和艺术情操的养成有所帮助。 Junior high school is an important period for the development of students’ personal qualities, and music is precisely the more crucial part of quality education. Therefore, the junior middle school music education gradually begins to be valued by people. However, junior high school music education still has many problems in the way of education. So, as a music teacher how to make a good music class can really help students grow? This article will discuss this issue and put forward some suggestions, hoping to music quality students and the development of artistic sentiment helpful.