Emancipation of Women and the Equality of Obligations for Men and Women in China in the 1950s

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyang00
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Interviews with 80 old married people in the area of Beijing show that the emancipation of urban women in China in the 1950s was multi-layered and limited. In the wake of national liberation the broad masses of laboring women achieved, to some extent, class emancipation and cast off, in part, the domination of the authority of the husband and the yoke of traditional gender-based roles. They were inspired by a sense of being masters of the country and marched a step further along the road of individual freedom and development. However, like the women’s liberation movement in modern times the emancipation of urban women in Interviews with 80 old married people in the area Beijing show that the emancipation of urban women in China in the 1950s was multi-layered and limited. In the wake of national liberation the broad masses of laboring women achieved, to some extent, class emancipation and cast off, in part, the domination of the authority of the husband and the yoke of traditional gender-based roles. They were inspired by being sense of being masters of the country and marched a step further along the road of individual freedom and development However, like the women’s liberation movement in modern times the emancipation of urban women in
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