连翘是传统常用中药材,临床上可用于多种疾病的治疗,功效颇佳。由于连翘应用广泛,难免有人以假乱真,鱼目混珠。为此,我们特将连翘及其伪品的鉴别方法介绍如下,供参考。 一、连翘的形态特征及药材特征 1.形态特征 落叶灌木,高2~4米,枝开展或伸长,稍带蔓性,常着地生根,小枝稍呈四棱形,节间中空,仅在节部具有实髓。单叶对生,或成为3小叶,叶柄长
Forsythia is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which can be used clinically for the treatment of various diseases. Due to the wide application of Forsythia, it is inevitable that people will be confused and confused. For this purpose, we will introduce the identification methods of Forsythia suspense and its counterfeit products as follows. First, the forsythia morphological characteristics and medicinal characteristics 1. Morphological characteristics of deciduous shrubs, high 2 to 4 meters, branches or elongation, slightly creeping, often rooting, twigs slightly 4-angled, hollow internodes, only There is a solid in the festival. Leaves opposite, or become 3 leaflets, petiole long