编辑同志: 380伏电焊机接线种类很多,有用一块三相四线电能表(或用三块单相电能表代替)计量,有用一块三相三线电能表计量,有用二块单相电能表计量,经试验,这三种计量得出的结果是不同的,哪种接法正确,请指点迷津。 河南省开封县供电局 赵克顺编辑部: 关于单相电焊机的电能计量问题,长期以来,由于没有专用的380伏单相电能表,给电能计量管理工作造成了一定的困难。通过理论分析和实践验证,如选用三相三线380伏或220伏的电能表作380伏单相电焊机电能计量,能提高计量精度,基本上解决了单相电焊机的电能计量问题。但对三相三线电能表提出
Editor comrades: 380 volt welder wiring many types, the use of a three-phase four-wire power meter (or replaced by three single-phase energy meter) measurement, useful a three-phase three-wire watt-hour meter, useful two single- After testing, the results of these three measurements are different, which is correct, please advise. Kaifeng County, Henan Province Power Supply Bureau Zhao Ke-Shun Editorial Department: On the single-phase welding machine energy measurement issues, for a long time, because there is no dedicated 380 volt single-phase energy meter, to the measurement and management of energy caused some difficulties. Through theoretical analysis and practical verification, such as the selection of three-phase three-wire 380 volt or 220 volt meter for 380 volt single-phase welding energy metering, can improve the measurement accuracy, basically solves the single-phase welding machine energy measurement problems. But the three-phase three-wire watt-hour meter proposed