《当代江西》编辑同志:你们好!我是一名信访工作者。当我今年第一次接触并阅读省委机关刊物《当代江西》时,就被其精彩的内容吸引住了。读完后为江西有这样一份高起点、高质量的党刊感到高兴,并对编辑同志的辛勤耕耘表示衷心的感谢。同时也希望贵刊不断跨越新的高峰,办出自己的特色和风格。在此,我想对《当代江西》谈点看法,不妥之处,请批评指正。1.大气。庄重的彩色封面凸显出编辑的匠心。大 A4本体现了与时俱进、不断进取的改革精神,这些都代表了江西人的崭新形象,体现了全省广大党员和干部群众共同建设江西的大气。
Comrade Jiang Zemin: Hello! I am a petitioner. When I first came into contact with this year’s edition of Jiangxi Provincial Government publication, I was attracted by its wonderful content. After reading, I felt very happy to have such a high starting point and high quality party journal in Jiangxi and heartily thanked the editors for their hard work. At the same time also hope that your magazine continue to cross the new peak, do their own characteristics and style. Here, I would like to talk about the viewpoints of “Contemporary Jiangxi”. If there is anything wrong with it, please criticize and correct it. Atmosphere The solemn color cover highlights the editor’s ingenuity. The large A4 embodies the spirit of keeping pace with the times and making progress constantly, all of which represent a brand new image of Jiangxi and embody the atmosphere of the vast majority of Party members and cadres and masses in the province to jointly build Jiangxi.