Influence of fracture roughness on shear strength, slip stability and permeability:A mechanistic ana

来源 :岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BLUECAT
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Subsurface fluid injections can disturb the effective stress regime by elevating pore pressure and potentially reactivate faults and fractures. Laboratory studies indicate that fracture rheology and permeability in such reactivation events are linked to the roughness of the fracture surfaces. In this study, we construct numerical models using discrete element method (DEM) to explore the influence of fracture surface roughness on the shear strength, slip stability, and permeability evolution during such slip events. For each simulation, a pair of analog rock coupons (three-dimensional bonded quartz particle analogs) representing a mated fracture is sheared under a velocity-stepping scheme. The roughness of the fracture is defined in terms of asperity height and asperity wavelength. Results show that (1) Samples with larger asperity heights (rougher), when sheared, exhibit a higher peak strength which quickly devolves to a residual strength after reaching a threshold shear displacement; (2) These rougher samples also exhibit greater slip stability due to a high degree of asperity wear and resultant production of wear products; (3) Long-term suppression of permeability is observed with rougher fractures, possibly due to the removal of asperities and redistribution of wear products, which locally reduces porosity in the dilating fracture; and (4) Increasing shear-parallel asperity wavelength reduces magnitudes of stress drops after peak strength and enhances fracture permeability, while increasing shear-perpendicular asperity wavelength results in sequential stress drops and a delay in permeability enhancement. This study provides insights into understanding of the mechanisms of frictional and rheological evolution of rough fractures anticipated during reactivation events.
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教学过程中发现学生对文言文有抵触心理,观察了解发现,有一部分学生打心里就惧怕古文,认为晦涩难懂,因为文言文年代久远,与我们平时说话差距甚大,对古文的内容和古人的情感都难以理解;还有一部分学生,甚至包括有些学习态度非常认真的学生,他们认为文言文用处不大,对语文能力增加没有什么帮助;再者是教师对待文言文教学方法单一,使学生在文言文学习时越学越觉得枯燥乏味,慢慢丧失兴趣。  新课标指出,教师是学习活动的
当今社会,发展速度最快,应用最广的可谓是计算机技术。随着教育教学改革的大力推行,这一高科技也以多媒体数学形式走进了校园,于是多媒体教学成了现代教育手段的代名词,只要是公开课、优质课、示范课、竞赛课都少不了它的踪影。我就语文教学中多媒体的直观效应谈谈我的想法:  1.引导学生进入情景真切感受  在语文教学中,语文教师可以利用多媒体图、文、声并茂的特点,为学生带来的丰富的视听效果。不但激发了学生的学习
叶圣陶先生说:“阅读是吸收,写作是倾吐。倾吐能否合乎法度,显然与吸收有密切关系。”而在实际的语文教学中,老师往往忽略了阅读教学与作文的整合,常常将二者割裂开来,使得阅读教学和作文教学都很机械,读是读写是写,尽管学生读了很多的书,可是提起笔来依然不知云何。面对这种情况,在近几年的语文教学中特别注重阅读教学与作文教学的整合,颇有收获,主要的做法如下:  首先在阅读教学中积累语言,为创作打下坚实的语言基