Joining the WTO is a hot topic people are talking about at the moment. China is getting closer and closer to the threshold of WTO (China still does not have accession to the WTO in the interview.) China’s manufacturing market is becoming the focus of world famous enterprises, which undoubtedly will bring us To greater opportunities for development, but there are opportunities for competition. Undoubtedly, China’s national industry will face even more intense competition. At the same time, as the economic globalization accelerates, he will gradually dissolve into the tidal wave of integration. “This is a great machine that is not made of steel, but made with the painstaking efforts and sweat of many people.” This is what Shen Hunglao, minister of the former, published on the 30th anniversary of Machinist magazine Her comment Today, 21 years later, as a new generation of journalists in the professional media, we have always sought to find the root causes of the gap between our national industry and well-known foreign enterprises and are also striving to find breakthroughs in shortening this gap. To this end coincides with the 2001 Beijing International Heat Treatment Exhibition of the machine, we visited the well-known experts in the field of heat treatment and business elite, including China Heat Treatment Industry Association, Fan Dongli, vice president, Houghton Lai’s Mr. Lai, should have Mr. Zhou Dazhen, etc. They talked about their own opinions from different perspectives and did not ask for them. I hope our readers can learn something from them.