日前,一种称为“神秘购物者”的职业正风行美国各地。这些身份特殊的“顾客”受雇于一家与零售商签约的独立中介公司,通过一个普通消费者的身份,到零售商店踩点“购物”,通过实地的观察体验,了解其清洁、服务和管理等诸方面情况。然后,再将这些所获的“情报”整理成报告,递交给这家商店的老板。 如今,这种专司“神秘购物”的公司在美国已如雨后春笋般地冒出了500多家,比3年前增加了25%,每年的收入已达到5亿美
A few days ago, a profession called “mystery shopper” was popular throughout the United States. These special “customers” are employed by an independent agency contracted by retailers. Through an identity of an ordinary consumer, they go to “shopping” at retail stores and experience the cleanliness, service and management through field observation experience. Various aspects. Then, these “intelligence” items were collected into reports and submitted to the owner of the shop. Today, this company dedicated to “mysterious shopping” has sprung up more than 500 in the United States, an increase of 25% from three years ago, and its annual revenue has reached 500 million US dollars.