
来源 :水电厂自动化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lelerui
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智能水电厂建设是智能电网发展的必然趋势。二滩电厂建设成为智能水电厂,是创建国际一流水电厂的重要途径。智能化水电厂建设可以为二滩电厂提供创新发展的平台,具有非常重要的意义。基于智能水电厂的概念和特征,结合智能化水电厂系统基本架构,提出了二滩电厂智能化建设思路,为稳步开展二滩电厂智能化建设工作确立了方向。 Intelligent hydropower plant construction is the inevitable trend of smart grid development. Ertan Power Plant into a smart hydropower plant, is an important way to create a world-class hydropower plant. The construction of intelligent hydropower plant can provide a platform for innovation and development of Ertan Power Plant, which is of great significance. Based on the concept and characteristics of intelligent hydropower plant and the basic architecture of intelligent hydropower plant system, the author put forward the idea of ​​intelligent construction of Ertan power plant and set the direction for the steady development of Ertan power plant intelligent construction.
摘要:教师在备课时要备教材、备学生,切实把握教材的重难点,在课堂上要随时关注学生的接受情况,及时调整教学方案及教学组织方式,关注教学细节,提升教学的有效性。  关键词:有效教学;教学策略;细节  中图分类号:G420文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)13-034-1随着课程改革的不断深化,创建高效的课堂逐渐成为每个老师不断追求的目标,因为课堂是用无数的细节共同组成的。“忽视细