为了做好档案的抢救和保护工作,提高科学管理水平,去年,我们组织人力,集中时间,用了600多个工作日,对馆藏的13,567卷文书档案文件字迹扩散、褪变和纸张老化、破损等情况进行了一次全面普查。在普查的同时,把档案的抢救、整理、鉴定、开放、熟悉馆藏和普查档案害虫等工作有机地结合起来,取得了一举多处的效果。 1、普查与做好档案抢救、保护工作相结合在普查中,我们对用园珠笔、铅笔、彩色笔和用复写纸书写、批改文件材料的问题和文件字迹扩散、
In order to do a good job in the rescue and protection work of archives and improve the scientific management level, last year we organized manpower and concentrated time, spent more than 600 working days on the spread, fading and aging of paper archives of 13,567 volumes of documents Etc. conducted a comprehensive survey. At the same time of the census, the work of archiving salvage, sorting, appraisal, opening up, familiarization with collections and census of archives and pests was organically integrated and many results were achieved. 1, the census and archives rescue and protection work combined In the census, we use the ball-point pencils, pencils, colored pens and the use of carbon paper to write, modify the document materials and document spread,