The Black Slave Image in A Rose For Emily

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  【Abstract】:A Rose For Emily talks about the aristocratic lady Emily in the South after the Civil War. In this story, the black slave of Emily is one of the remains of the Old South, and William Faulkner describes him as hardworking, silent and easy to be ignored, which is the typical characteristic of the slaves before the Civil War. Though the slavery was abolished, social stratification and racism still existed.
  【Key words】:A Rose For Emily;black slave;Old South,;social stratification;racism
  A Rose For Emily is a short story written by William Faulkner, one of the most preeminent American writers of the 20th century. The story takes place in Jefferson, Mississippi, in the fictional Yoknapatawpha County. Emily Grierson was a member of a family in the antebellum Southern aristocracy. After the Civil War, her family declined, but Emily’s father still drove off all Emily’s suitors below their social status. After her father’s death, Emily fell in love with Homer Barron, a foreman from the North. But she failed to get rid of the constraint of her family dignity and the influence from the town people, so she killed Homer. From then on, Emily had lived a secluded live, sleeping with the dead for 40 years until she died. After her grand funeral, the town people found this secret.
  The social stratification in the story is quite clear, from the view of the Old South. Emily and her family represent the top class, town people are in the medium class, and the black slave, “the Negro” in the story, is in the bottom of the society.
  Emily, clinging to her pride and dignity, is a typical lady of the Old South aristocracy. She is a contradictory person. She longed for love so that she dated with Homer on Sunday afternoons, while she was also traditional so that at last she chose to kill Homer instead of marrying him. She is hateful because she committed a murder, but she is also pity because love was unavailable in her whole life.
  The town people are the narrator of the story. They were keen on making judgments on others’ life and have no principles. They hoped that Emily could abandon the past glory of her family and marry a common man. But when Emily began dating with Homer, they thought she forgot the noblesse oblige and was fallen. They wanted Emily to keep pace with the times and at the same time keep her nobility. The town people in the story are kind of similar to the urban petty bourgeois in Lu Xun’s writings.
  The black slave, “the Negro” in the story, is one of thousands of anonymous black slaves in the Old South. He was long neglected by others, and for the town people, he was no more than Emily’s combined gardener and cook. He spent all his life looking after Emily, the odd aristocratic lady, and became her only link with the outside world when she was old. He never talked about himself; indeed, the town people could hardly hear his voice. When Emily died, he disappeared, together with the Old South.   The black slave image in the story is taciturn, hardworking, more like a machine than a flesh. Nobody had talked with him, and nobody knew what he thought, because he was always silent. “We had long since given up trying to get any information from the Negro. He talked to no one, probably even not to her, for his voice had grown harsh and rusty, as if from disuse.” Emily was always the topic of the gossip, the town people cared about her even when she lived an isolated life, but nobody cared about the black slave. And it seemed that the black did not want to be noticed and cared, too. He guided the visitor to the hall and showed them out, admitted Homer at the kitchen door at dusk one evening, met the first of the ladies of the front door and let them in when Emily died. And, most frequently, he went in and out with the market basket, as is descripted by the author——“Daily, monthly, yearly we watched the Negro grow grayer and more stooped, going in and out with the market basket”.
  After the Civil War, the South still insisted in the supremacy of the white and planters. The long-time class division and Calvinistic concept made the town people easy to ignore the fact that blacks and whites are equal. Even the blacks were deeply convinced that they were nothing more than their masters’ servants and tools, and that they should not have any thoughts about themselves. In the Griersons, where traditional rules were respected and obeyed, the discrimination against the back was especially serious. The Old South’s way of thinking constrained all the town people in Jefferson. Hence in this story, the black slave is the loneliest person. He lived silently all his life, ignored by the town people, himself, and the whole society. We have no idea about what he is thinking of everyday, nor do we know anything about his past and his future. Would he feel boring about his work? Why did he choose to stay in the Griersons instead of leaving with other black slaves? And where will he go after he left the town?
  When we give our sympathy to Emily and sigh for her destiny, we should also pay some attention to the black slave, who represents thousands of black slaves that were treated as private possessions rather than equal citizens in the past. The black slave’s tragedy in the story can be attributed to the slavery and Calvinism, but after slavery was abolished and Calvinism no longer prevalent, racism did not disappear. And even in today’s most democratic countries, discrimination against the black still exists, which deserves our contemplation.
  [3]魏然.凋零的玫瑰 没落的家园——从《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》看福克纳眼中的清教南方.电影评介.2011
他叫捷,是二中的一名普通高中生。  他不喜欢枯燥无味的课,他不喜欢上级领导无数次地检查,更不喜欢那沉重的书包,他虽忧郁,但不消极,他虽彷徨,但不会独自感伤。而此时遮天的黑云渐渐地弥漫在那苍白的天空中。  有时傻傻地摆弄着自己的长发,望见对面的自己,仿佛是个陌生人,自己与自己的深切对望,显得有些滑稽,掸去粘在身上的灰尘,跨出单车,骑出家门。  虽是冬天,但执著的青松依然从骨子里透出一种墨绿的气息,轻
人若过度地追求青春,必将损害自身的价值。许多浮夸虚妄的言行只有在爱的一时间可大行其道,多数场合都是招人轻视的。所以知识的力量在于灌输于每个人心间,教化成低调谦和,用知性的姿态去约束合宜的人生。我尊重知识,尊重每一位为求知而努力的人。  第一次发现自己提起笔已如此陌生。这些年不是忙于运营公司的各项报表与商业计划书,便是奔波于国内外各种合作会议与项目研讨会。若不是此刻坐在中大校园里一刻清闲,怕是遗忘了
在那些伤感的情歌里,黄丽玲唱着“离开的时候/有些话没亲口说/再多的承诺/未来也难预测”;林俊杰唱着“等不到天黑/烟火不会太完美/回忆烧成灰/还是等不到结尾”;何洁唱着“如果开始是为了别离/注定这是没有结局的结局/明知道和你已没有输赢”……  失恋,可以说是最严重的情感创伤之一。有的人整天茶饭不思,伤春悲秋;有的人借酒浇愁,不知今夕何夕;还有的人嬉笑怒骂,仿佛一切不曾发生;更有人挥一挥衣袖,天涯何处
If I were a piece of leaf  Beaten by the wind and rain  Or a cloud sauntering in the azure sky  Far from the earth  Sometimes I would embrace the broken heart,  To touch the sadness, decadence and mel
萧红在被称为是她一生写照的《呼兰河传》中写过:不如意又怎样?人生是苦多乐少!  读萧红那段时间,我正令人费解地执着地追求着逆境。那时,我偏激地认为幸福都是相似的,落入俗套的。我不渴慕幸福。而若是我以自己的方式默默地承受了不幸,我也许不会有任何成就,但我承受了不幸,这就是我的价值——我作为一个普通人存在于这个世界上的价值。  那种实质上是由叛逆与寂寞主导的心理,在之后亲历过父亲生过一场大病之后,逝水
这是我分手的第二个月。我时常觉得疲惫,这不是一种身体的劳累,而是在精神的裂缝中弥漫的心灵苍老。医院的诊断书我还是习惯性的小心收藏着,那滋生在心底的自卑,以及,给我潇洒放下的唯一慰藉。我细数着时光点点从我静坐的神态前流走,从我未来得及防备的哀思前流走,仿佛时光的旋转和我满满的回忆齐齐散落,昨日,今日,明日...我就像空洞的时光中行走的老人,在爱的箴言中越行越远。  此刻我还是清晰的感觉着回首时的疼痛
释放正能量是每一个社会公民应尽的义务和责任。  做一件好事、当一次好人很容易,难的是做一辈子好事、当一辈子好人。  ——许仁彪的话。  许仁彪,男,1962年8月出生于山东省莱西市河头店镇松旺庄村。1979年7月河头店高中毕业在村务农。1984年10月,莱西县劳动局从全县历届高中以上学历人员中通过层层评审考录,在5000多名考生中录取168人充实企业发展力量,许仁彪以高分录取分配到河头店供销社,从
今天,我读了苏霍姆林斯基《怎样培养真正的人》。苏霍姆林斯基是前苏联著名的教育家。他的《怎样培养真正的人》一书,是他在晚年创作的。这本书论述了关于善与恶、义务、奉献、尊严、荣誉、良心、自由、责任心、公民的觉悟、爱情等方面的伦理学问题。可以作为家长及学生的一本很好的培养孩子的一本有指导和具体操作意义的教科书。  人生的目的:我们来到这个世界上,为的是长大成人后能在这个大地上留下痕迹,像个真正的人那样度
午夜十二点的钟声敲响,重回布衣的灰姑娘看着她的南瓜马车弥散风中,满足且惆怅;通向自由的窗子打开,年华不在的温迪望着女儿与彼得潘渐飞渐远,怀念且感伤;当胡桃夹子重新变为一个僵直的木头人,小意达埋葬了她的花儿,童话消失了。泪水和着破碎的梦境流下,又有什么新的希望扶摇而上,这种绝望与希望,苦涩与甘美并存的味道,也许就叫做长大。  长大,就像在午后三四点钟的阳光抚摸下品味一杯焦糖玛奇朵。入口时,奶油泡沫和