摘 要:為了考察多通用电池系统及其转接支架的刚强度及模态分析是否满足整车性能指标,本文分别进行了转接支架安装点刚度、电池系统及其转接支架强度以及电池系统搭载转接支架前后的模态分析,从以上三个方面模拟验证了通用电池系统通过转接支架连接整车的方案可行性。最终结果显示,该电池系统及其转接支架仿真结果满足整车性能指标。此分析方法和流程亦为日后其它电池系统及其转接支架的开发提供了有价值的参考。
关键词:转接支架 刚度 强度 模态
Rigid Strength and Modal Analysis of Universal Battery System and Its Adapter Bracket
Feng Fuchun Sheng Jun Li Yanliang Li Ning
Abstract:To investigate whether the rigidity and modal analysis of the multi-universal battery system and its adapter bracket meet the vehicle performance indicators, this paper separately carried out the mounting point rigidity of the adapter bracket, the strength of the battery system and the adapter bracket, and the battery system loading. The modal analysis before and after the adapter bracket simulated the feasibility of the general battery system connecting the whole vehicle through the adapter bracket from the above three aspects. The final results show that the simulation results of the battery system and its adapter bracket meet the vehicle performance indicators. This analysis method and process also provide a valuable reference for the development of other battery systems and their adapter brackets in the future.
Key words:adapter bracket, stiffness, strength, modal
关键词:转接支架 刚度 强度 模态
Rigid Strength and Modal Analysis of Universal Battery System and Its Adapter Bracket
Feng Fuchun Sheng Jun Li Yanliang Li Ning
Abstract:To investigate whether the rigidity and modal analysis of the multi-universal battery system and its adapter bracket meet the vehicle performance indicators, this paper separately carried out the mounting point rigidity of the adapter bracket, the strength of the battery system and the adapter bracket, and the battery system loading. The modal analysis before and after the adapter bracket simulated the feasibility of the general battery system connecting the whole vehicle through the adapter bracket from the above three aspects. The final results show that the simulation results of the battery system and its adapter bracket meet the vehicle performance indicators. This analysis method and process also provide a valuable reference for the development of other battery systems and their adapter brackets in the future.
Key words:adapter bracket, stiffness, strength, modal