石村水库位于著名的红旗渠故 乡林州,坐落在河顺乡石村 铁矿矿山的半山腰上,有三四个足 球场大小,是个小型水库。水源就 是铁矿井的地下水,水质很好。早 就听说这里有大草鱼,但屡战屡 败,均未如愿。 今年7月13日,天气为多云 转晴,24~35℃,晨6时许,我随 阎振锋钓友再次驱车赴石村水库垂 钓。经70公里的奔波,于上午8 时许到达水库。 钓点选在水库南岸,离岸15 米,水深6米左右,我俩把微微发 酸的窝料与嫩玉米粒搅拌后捏成大
Shicun Reservoir is located in the famous hometown of Hongqiqu Linzhou, is located in the Shenshixiang Shicun iron ore mine hillside, there are three or four football field size, is a small reservoir. Water is iron mine groundwater, water quality is very good. Have long heard that there are big grass carp, but have failed in battles, did not do so. July 13 this year, the weather turned cloudy, 24 ~ 35 ℃, 6 am, I went along with Yan Zhenfeng Diaoyutai drove to the Shek Village Reservoir fishing. After 70 kilometers of rushing waves, arrived at 8 am at the reservoir. Fishing point selection in the south bank of the reservoir, 15 meters offshore, water depth of 6 meters, we both slightly sour nest with tender corn and stir into a large