朝鲜天然的红松(Pinus Koraiensis)自1963年以来就受到Cronartium 干锈病的威胁。为了选择红松抗疱锈病品种,在朝鲜已列入专项研究计划。目前提出的人工选择树木无性系,是作为近期繁殖改良造林苗木所应用的一种手段,为了确定抗疱锈病的最好办法,用扦插的方法繁殖人工无性系,这项工作已进行了一系列的试验。试验方法试验材料是来自四个等级的源株年龄,即4,6,12和26年,四种类型的扦插基质:珍珠岩和蛭石(1:1),粗砂和细砾(1:1),精砂和草炭粉(2:1),草炭块为估计值。使用的是温暖的河边低地和
North Korea’s natural Pinus Koraiensis has been threatened by Cronartium’s dry rust since 1963. In order to choose Korean pine blister rust varieties, in North Korea has been included in the special research plan. The currently proposed artificial selection of tree clones is a means used as a breeding ground for improved seedling propagation in the near future. In order to determine the best way to combat blister rust and propagate artificial clones by cutting, this work has been carried out in a series of Test. Test Methods The test material was derived from four grades of source age, ie 4, 6, 12 and 26 years, of four types of cuttings: perlite and vermiculite (1: 1), grit and fine gravel (1: 1), fine sand and grass powder (2: 1), and peat blocks as estimates. The use of warm riverside lowlands and