1206年,铁木真统一蒙古各部落,建立蒙古汗国,号称成吉思汗。接着他向外扩张,先后征服了欧亚两洲的许多国家和民族,至13世纪中期已成为一个横跨欧亚两洲的蒙古大帝国。蒙古统治者出于其大一统国家和进一步对外扩张的需要。特别注重交通运输的发展,随着帝国版图的确定,其四通八达的对内外水陆交通体系也逐渐达到了空前规模,这为东亚和欧洲之间的直接交往提供了空前有利的客观条件。此后,欧洲各国的使节、商人、旅行家、传教士来蒙古的络绎不绝。 普兰迦尔宾(1182—1252),意大利人,天主教方济
In 1206, Temujin unified the Mongol tribes and established Mongolia’s Khanate, known as Genghis Khan. Then he expanded outward and successively conquered many countries and peoples in Europe and Asia. By mid-13th century he had become a great Mongol Empire across Europe and Asia. Mongolia’s rulers out of their need to further unveil the country and their expansion abroad. With particular emphasis on the development of transportation, with the establishment of the imperial territory, its extensive internal and external water and land transportation system has gradually reached an unprecedented scale, which has provided an unprecedented favorable objective condition for direct exchanges between East Asia and Europe. Since then, envoys, businessmen, travelers and missionaries in various European countries came to Mongolia in an endless stream. Pranghaerbin (1182-1252), Italian, Catholic Franciscan