企业从生产型转变为生产经营型以后,建立经济档案对搞活企业,提高经济效益很有益处. 经济档案,主要是企业经营活动中形成的档案.计划、销售部门是形成经济档案比较集中的地方.我厂计销科在产品生产前的市场调查、预测,生产计划安排中就形成接待记录、函件记录、用户记录、市场调查记录、预测记录、计划、产品样本、广告、照片等材料;在产品销售服务过程中形成接待记录、用户来信、质量信息反馈报告单(包括内反馈-厂内有关科室,外反馈-厂外有关协作单位)、处理意见、维修记录、改进方案等材料;还有计销各种报表、单据等材料,都是掌握市场信息、提高产品质量、增强竞争能力的重要档
After the transformation from production to production and management, the establishment of an economic archive is very beneficial to invigorate the enterprise and increase economic benefits. The economic archives are mainly archives formed in the business activities of the enterprises. Planning and sales departments are the places where economic archives are concentrated I plant sales department in the pre-production market research, forecasting, production planning arrangements to form reception records, correspondence records, user records, market research records, forecast records, plans, product samples, advertising, photographs and other materials; Product sales service process to form a record of reception, the user letter, the quality of information feedback report (including internal feedback - plant related departments, external feedback - outside the plant-related collaboration unit), processing advice, maintenance records, improvement programs and other materials; The sales of various reports, documents and other materials are all important files to master market information, improve product quality and enhance competitiveness.