企业应加重视人本管理。 通常情况下,人本管理共有六种模式,即敬人、信人、安人、诲人、激人和律人。然而一些企业单位采用“律人”模式,使员工职极性受到挫伤。正确的作法应当是实施“六人一体化”的现代人本管理模式。 敬人模式 敬重人才能使人感到人生的意义,产生价值感和奋发努力的动机与热情。 信人模式 信任人的要旨在于用高尚的动机度量人,用美好的愿望设计人。信任人会给人以向上的力量。
Enterprises should pay more attention to human resources management. Under normal circumstances, there are six modes of humanistic management, namely, respectable people, benevolent people, beings, benevolent people, benevolent people and lawyers. However, some business units adopt the “lawyer” model, which has dampened the employee's job polarity. The correct approach should be to implement the “six-person integration” of the modern human-based management model. Respect people mode Respect people can make people feel the meaning of life, have a sense of value and work hard motivation and enthusiasm. Belief in the mode of trust The essence of people is to use high motivation to measure people, with a good desire to design people. Trust will give people strength to go up.