相对于数量多,体积大的多声道家庭影院组合,一套音质不俗、又够小巧的迷你音响也许更适合卧室等小型空间的使用。安桥这款 Liverpool(利物浦)系列的L-805TX迷你组合恰恰就是这样的产品。 L-805TX由C-705TX CD播放机,R-805TX收音/放大器和D- 052TX立体声音箱组成。从配置上看,是迷你音响中比较少见的CD、放大器分体式结构,这也表示它是套侧重音质表现的产品。要知道,在讲究All In One的迷你音响中,将此两者分离开的设计可以被视为更加考究的处理方式。此外,在这款迷你音响中,安桥还为用户推荐了一部型号为MD- 105TX的MD机。作为选配件,它可以将普通迷你组合中单纯的播放改为录播一体,实现功能上的充实。
Relative to the large number of large multi-channel home theater combination, a good sound quality, but also small enough compact stereo may be more suitable for small rooms such as bedroom use. Onkyo This Liverpool (Liverpool) series of L-805TX mini-combination is exactly such a product. The L-805TX consists of a C-705TX CD player, an R-805TX radio / amplifier and a D- 052TX stereo speaker. From the configuration point of view, it is rare in mini stereo CD, amplifier split structure, which also means that it is a set of emphasis on sound quality performance of the product. Be aware that in the case of All In One mini-speakers, the design that separates the two can be considered a more elegant approach. In addition, in this mini stereo, Onkyo also recommended a model for the user MD-105TX MD machine. As an option, it can be a simple combination of ordinary mini play to record and play, to achieve functional enrichment.