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本府为了有计划有步骤地于一九五一年至一九五二年两年内建立与健全各级农场,兹根据华东军政委员会关于加强农场工作的指示,与华东区一九五一年农场建设计划,并结合本省具体情况,制订山东省一九五一年农场建设计划,为贯彻执行这一计划,特作如下指示:一、根据华东军政委员会指示:「人民政府所举办的各级农场是为广大农民生产服务的,是改进农业技术推广示范的基点。」和「干部及农民学习农业技术的学校。」我省土地改革已基本完成,爱国发家丰产运动已热烈展开。广大农民对改进农业技术的要求日益迫切,各级农场在今后农业生产中的作用就日益重要。全省农场,除部分已起到示范推广作用,得到群众拥护外,大部因仍处于维持生产状态不能起到应有的作用,这种落 In order to establish and improve farms at all levels in a planned and systematic manner within two years from 1951 to 1922, the Government hereby, in accordance with the instruction of the East China Military and Political Committee on strengthening farm work, cooperated with the East China Region Farm 1951 Construction plan, and in light of the specific conditions of the province, formulate a 1951 farm construction plan for Shandong Province. In order to implement this plan, we hereby make the following special instructions: (1) According to the instructions from the East China Military and Political Committee: “At all levels of farms organized by the People’s Government, Is the basis for improving the demonstration of agricultural technology promotion. ”“ The schools where cadres and peasants study agricultural technology. ”The land reform in our province has basically been completed and the patriotic and fattening campaign has been vigorously launched. The demands of farmers for improving agricultural technologies are increasingly pressing. The role of farms at all levels in agricultural production in the future is of increasing importance. In addition to some of the farms in the province that have played a role of demonstration and extension and have gained the support of the masses, most of them can not play their due role in maintaining their production status.
1 金堤河近期治理情况1.1 金堤河治理的必要性。金堤河干流起自河南省滑县耿庄,于台前县张庄入黄,下游穿插于豫鲁边界,是黄河下游一条多灾多难的平原河道。干流总长158.6km,
前不久,水利部对贵州省水利厅报送的《黔中水利枢纽工程规划报告》进行了批复。 批复同意黔中水利枢纽工程以灌溉和城市供水为主、兼顾发电的规划目标。同意选择乌江主源三岔
这个报告写的较好,它把肥城一年来的政府工作,较为全面的作了总结,并对其中各项问题,检讨与分析的较为深刻,故选登于本期政报,供各地参考。 The report is written better.
1 概况洪汝河是淮河北岸跨豫、皖两省的主要骨干排水河道,发源于河南省伏牛山区,班台以上为上、中游,分为汝河和小洪河两支,班台以下为下游,称为大洪河,在安徽省王家坝附近
本文用发色性合成物质(BAPNA)为底物的合成底物法,测定能合成缓激肽的前激肽释放酶活力。用放射免疫法测定能使缓激肽分解的激肽酶活力。结果提示:AMI 早期激肽释放酶被活化,