
来源 :疾病预防控制通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leng159461
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目的了解新疆疏附县免疫规划各项工作落实及疫苗接种情况,及时发现工作中存在的问题,分析影响免疫规划疫苗接种率的主要因素。方法采用批质量保证抽样方法(LQAS),在全县范围内开展免疫规划疫苗接种率调查。结果全县调查462名儿童,建卡451人,建卡率97.62%;建证462人,建证率100.00%;卡、证相符445人,相符率96.32%(445/462);有卡痕416人,无卡痕22人,儿童不在现场24人;接种卡介苗成功率94.98%(416/438);儿童信息管理系统录入个案基本信息438人,录入率94.80%,个案准确录入324人;基础免疫疫苗中卡介苗接种率100.00%,乙型肝炎疫苗全程接种率100.00%,脊髓灰质炎疫苗全程接种率100.00%,“百白破”三联疫苗全程接种率99.34%(459/462);脊髓灰质炎疫苗加强免疫接种率100.00%,“百白破”三联疫苗加强针97.84%(452/462),含麻疹成分疫苗接种率99.13%(458/462)。结论疏附县免疫规划疫苗接种工作正在有序开展,但亟待解决以下问题:部分乡(镇)扩大国家免疫规划新增疫苗接种率相对较低、A群流脑疫苗接种不规范、加强免疫疫苗接种率相对较低、乡、村级免疫规划基础资料不规范、麻疹类疫苗接种、登记较为混乱、儿童预防接种信息管理系统接种信息录入质量有待提高,各乡(镇)、村之间免疫规划工作进展不平衡。 Objective To understand the implementation of the immunization program and vaccination in Sushu County, Xinjiang, discover the problems in the work in time, and analyze the main factors influencing the vaccination rate of immunization programs. Methods The batch quality assurance sampling method (LQAS) was used to investigate the vaccination coverage of immunization programs in the whole county. Results There were 462 children surveyed in the county, with 451 people building cards. The rate of establishing cards was 97.62%. The number of establishing cards was 462, the rate of establishing cards was 100.00%. There were 445 cards with 445/462 matching cards. 416 people without card marks, 22 children without marks, 94.98% (416/438) children with BCG vaccination; 438 cases with basic information entered into the child information management system with an enrollment rate of 94.80%; 324 cases were accurately entered; Vaccine BCG vaccination rate of 100.00%, hepatitis B vaccine throughout the vaccination rate of 100.00%, the entire polio vaccine vaccination rate of 100.00%, “diphtheria” triple vaccine whole coverage rate of 99.34% (459/462); spinal cord The frequency of intensified immunization was 100.00% for the case of the vaccine and 97.84% (452/462) for the vaccine. The measles vaccination rate was 99.13% (458/462). Conclusion Vaccination of immunization programs in Shufu County is being carried out in an orderly manner, but the following problems are urgently needed to be solved: the vaccination rate of some newly expanded vaccines in the national immunization programs in some townships and townships is relatively low, the vaccination of meningitis A group is not standardized, and the immunization vaccines Vaccination rate is relatively low, the basic information of the village and village immunization program is not standardized, measles vaccination, registration is more chaotic, child vaccination information management system, the quality of vaccination information needs to be improved, the township (town), village immunization program Work progress is not balanced.
禽巴氏杆菌病又名禽霍乱(fowlcholera),是由多杀性巴氏杆菌(Pasteurella multocida)引起的鸡、火鸡、鸭、鹅和鹌鹑等家禽和野禽的一种接触性、败血性传染病。由于该病的暴发