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南宋乾道六年(1170年)夏天一个傍晚,福鼎名刹棲林寺来了一位五十开外老者和挑行李的家人,俩人一路风尘到棲林寺投宿,老者面容消瘦,旅途劳累略显疲惫,却透着股不凡的气质。当寺院住特僧得知他是当朝名臣王十朋,连忙请他到寺中最好的僧房入宿。王十朋是从泉州知府御任回家乡乐清,途经福鼎的。 One evening in the summer of the six years of the Southern Song Dynasty Road (1170), Fuding Temple Zhaolin Temple came to a family of fifty people and pick up the baggage. Both went to the habitat for shelter, the old man was thin and his face tired, But reveals extraordinary extraordinary temperament. When the monastery monk live monk learned that he was a famous official Wang Shipeng, quickly asked him to the best monastery in the temple into the accommodation. Wang Shipeng from Quanzhou prefect Royal Ren Ren Yueqing home, passing Fuding.
如何很好地实施《语文课程标准》,培养学生健康的审美情趣呢?笔者认为:作为语文教师,学习活动的组织者和引导者,首先应该不断提高自己的审美修养,丰富自己的人生体验,只有这样,才能在课堂教学中,引导学生去感受美,表现美,创造美,从而培养学生健康的审美情趣。  语文教学中,教师可从以下几方面向学生传递美感信息,拨动学生的心弦,并进而产生审美体验,达到培养学生审美情趣的目的。  一.语言美  文学作品是美的