目的:非饱和土的弹性剪切模量是预测土体变形和土工建筑物正常使用服役性能的重要参数之一。本文旨在提出一个描述非饱和土弹性剪切模量的简化模型,减少标定模型参数所需要的耗时非饱和土试验,并考虑吸力、应力、干湿循环及孔隙比对弹性剪切模量特性的影响。创新点:1.提出考虑滞回效应的非饱和土弹性剪切模量简化模型;2.减少标定模型参数所需要的试验。方法:1.基于前人非饱和土弹性剪切模量试验结果,考虑非饱和土中土颗粒间的平均骨架应力及毛细水提供的法向应力作用,通过理论推导建立非饱和土弹性剪切模量的半经验简化模型;2.通过文献中不同非饱和粉土及砂土的弹性剪切模量试验结果验证简化模型的适用性。结论:1.得到一个描述非饱和土弹性剪切模量的简化模型,该模型仅需两个模型参数,减少了标定模型参数所需要的耗时非饱和土试验;2.通过四组不同非饱和土弹性剪切模量试验数据验证了简化模型的适用性,表明该模型能考虑吸力、应力、干湿循环以及孔隙比对弹性剪切模量特性的影响;3.由于进行了简化,该模型可能存在少量预测误差,在宽应力和吸力范围内运用该模型时需要谨慎。“,”Considering the great importance of the elastic shear modulusG0 of unsaturated soils to the serviceability of many geo-structures in geo-energy and geo-environmental engineering, some semi-empirical models have been reported for theG0 of unsaturated soils. Existing models require at least three parameters and the calibration of the model parameters requires extensive time-consuming unsaturated soil tests. In this study, a simple semi-empirical model is proposed for the hystereticG0 of unsaturated soils, requiring only two parameters. The constitutive variables of the mean Bishop’s stress and a bonding variable are adopted for considering the average stress between soil particles and the additional normal forces between soil particles provided by water menisci. The derived equation is applied to simulate theG0 of unsaturated silts and sands. Comparisons between the measured and calculated results demonstrate that the proposed equation is able to describe the influences of various factors onG0, including mean net stress, suction, wetting-drying, and void ratio.