Hebei Province is one of the main producing areas of winter wheat in the whole country. The planting area over the years is about 3800 mu. Since the implementation of the responsibility of agricultural production, the amount of chemical fertilizers has been continuously increased and yields have been further raised. However, some nutritional problems have also arisen. The first is the use of a large number of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, resulting in the imbalance of soil trace elements, rapid decline in the return of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, limiting the further increase in wheat yield. Followed by the peasants only emphasize the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, while neglecting the application of organic fertilizer, resulting in decreased soil fertility cushion, nitrogen supply, “bottom” lack of late wheat “malnutrition.” Third, winter wheat growth period, the early need of fertilizer intensity is small, the need for fertilizer in the late strength, and the need for a long time from the soil to absorb nutrients, which requires the law of wheat absorption and nitrogen supply coordination. In view of the above situation,