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1989年,中共中央发表了《中共中央关于坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的意见》(简称《意见》),第一次从政治制度和政党制度的高度提出了“各民主党派是各自联系的一部分社会主义劳动者和一部分拥护社会主义的爱国者的政治联盟,是接受中国共产党领导的,同中共通力合作、共同致力于社会主义事业的亲密友党,是参政党”的客观论断。重申了“长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共”的十六字方针,充分体现了中国共产党推进中国民主政治建设的决心和胆略,极大地调动了各民主党派参与 In 1989, the CPC Central Committee issued the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Adhering to and Improving the System of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation under the Leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (referred to as “opinions”) for the first time. From the political system and the party system, The democratic parties are part of the respective socialist laborers and part of the political alliance supporting socialism. They are the close friends and factions under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and working with the Chinese Communists to work together for the cause of socialism. The objective conclusion. Reaffirmed the 16-point guideline of “long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treatment of each other with the same interests, and shared honor and disgrace” and fully demonstrated the determination and boldness of the Chinese Communist Party in advancing the construction of China’s democratic politics and greatly mobilized the participation of all democratic parties
【内容摘要】随着素质教育的不断发展,中学音乐教育作为我国美育的重要组成部分在中学教育体系中的地位不断上升。然而新课标下,中学音乐鉴赏教学依然存在许多问题,本文将围绕新课标下中学音乐鉴赏教学存在的问题进行探讨,并提出解决策略。  【关键词】中学 音乐鉴赏 策略  一、前言  《新音乐课程标准》明确指出:“良好的音乐感受能力与鉴赏能力的形成,对丰富学生情感,提高学生文化素养,增进身心健康具有重要意义”