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来山西,不可不看的便是晋商大院。它是晋商“称雄商界五百年”的财富凝结,是晋商“纵横欧亚九千里”的文化展示。从这些大院的气势与凸显等级制度的构造中,可以领略晋商当年的雄风与气魄,看到近代山西社会的发展缩影。显赫一时的晋商家族,用建筑表述了文字和语言难以表达的文化内涵。乔家大院乔家大院位于晋城市祁县乔家堡村,因《大红灯笼高高挂》、《乔家大院》等影视作品而蜚声世界。大院为全封闭的承包大院,占地10万多平方米,分6个大院20个小院,其有313个房间。整个大院气势宏伟,威严高大,整个建筑平面呈“囍”字形,设计精巧,布局严谨,气势不凡。外视巍峨壮观,内饰富丽堂皇,既跌宕起伏,又错落有致,斗拱飞檐,石刻砖雕,各具特色, Shanxi, must see is the Shanxi Merchants compound. It is the Shanxi merchants “500 years dominate the business world ” wealth condensation, is the Shanxi Merchants “vertical and horizontal nine thousand miles Eurasia ” cultural display. From the imposingness of these palaces and the construction of the hierarchy, we can understand the treasures and courage of the Shanxi merchants and see the microcosm of the development of modern Shanxi society. Outstanding moment of the Shanxi business family, with the construction of the text and language difficult to express the cultural connotation. Qiao Family Courtyard Qiao Family Courtyard is located in Qijian County, Qicheng County, Jincheng City, because of “Red Lantern hanging”, “Qiao Family Courtyard” and other film and world-renowned works. The compound is a fully enclosed contracting compound covering an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters and is divided into 6 small courtyards and 20 small courtyards with 313 rooms. The magnificent grand mansion, tall and majestic, the entire building plan was “囍 ” glyphs, compact design, rigorous layout, extraordinary momentum. Extrinsic majesty spectacular, magnificent interior, both ups and downs, but also patchwork, brackets cornices, stone carvings, distinctive,
目的 :探讨幽门螺旋杆菌 (HP)在儿童的感染率及易感因素。方法 :对 40 0名儿童进行血清HP抗体测定 ,同时对HP感染可能相关因素进行调查及分析。结果 :HP感染率为 2 9% ,其中
本刊2003年第2期33页连载的《规范例释》一文中“‘蹓跶’与‘溜达’”一节,其中后两句“但 The second issue of 2003 issue No. 2 33 page serialized “ and” stroll
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