Yanhu rigging with blood circulation, qi, analgesic effect. Used for qi and blood stagnation caused by chest pain, abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, postpartum siltation, bruises, swelling and other embolism. In ancient times, the processing methods of Corydalis include raw materials, stir-fry, vinegar, vinegar, wine, salt, etc. Its preparation intention Qing Dynasty “medicine identification” described in the more comprehensive, that is "with vinegar to cure postpartum hemorrhage, blood on the red, chest and stomach gas pain, abdominal gas and abdominal pain. Wine speculation blood, women do not adjust the month , leaching in the collapse, postpartum lochia. Health with broken blood, fried with blood transfer, where the blood stagnate, can be cured. Modern methods of corydalis are vinegar, vinegar, and vinegar. In some areas, alcohol and salt are used. The art of gun making is basically the same as the ancient one. It is believed that the use of blood and gas, stir-fighting, and blood transfusion