现如今非遗数字化已成为非遗保护的必要手段,增强现实(Augmented Reality,简称AR)作为新兴的非遗数字化保护技术渐渐得到文化保护工作者的重视,并得以推广应用到非遗保护工作中。本文研究目标主要以AR为核心,以国家级非物质文化遗产“昆曲”为研究案例,从民间艺术类非物质文化遗产开发式保护现状与存在的问题出发,探讨非物质文化遗产“昆曲”具体的数字化开发模式,并给出相应的解决方案。
Now that digitalization has become a necessary means of non-heritage protection, augmented reality (Augmented Reality, AR), as a newly emerging non-digital protection technology, has gradually gained the attention of cultural conservation workers and can be applied to non-heritage conservation work . The research goal of this paper is mainly AR, with the state-level intangible cultural heritage “Kunqu” as a case study. Based on the status quo and existing problems of the intangible cultural heritage development protection in folk art, this paper explores intangible cultural heritage Kunqu "specific digital development model, and gives the appropriate solution.