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当前,烟草行业正处在发展的关键时期,全面推进“卷烟上水平”是当前和今后一个时期行业工作的基本方针和战略任务,努力实现这一战略目标任务,有效应对各方面严峻挑战,营造有利于持续健康发展的良好环境,迫切需要进一步加快推进行业依法行政和法治建设工作。——国家烟草专卖局局长姜成康 At present, the tobacco industry is in a critical period of development. It is the basic principle and strategic task for the industry to work hard to realize this strategic objective and task in order to effectively deal with all kinds of harsh challenges in an all-round way So as to create a favorable environment conducive to sustained and healthy development. There is an urgent need to further accelerate the administration by law and the rule of law in the industry. - State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau Director Jiang Chengkang
摘要:学生学习数学的情况需要通过诸多方面的综合分析才能真实地反应,本文试用RSR法来综合评价学生学习数学的情况。  关键詞:RSR法;数学学习;综合评价  中图分类号:G642.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)11-0146-03  数学是一个有机整体,只有通过诸多方面的综合分析才能真实地反映学生学习数学的掌握情况。寻找客观、可行、定量、准确的综合评价方法是当前较为活跃