The crystal structure of (Fe_4Cr_4Ni)_9C_4

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ftlfh
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(Fe4Cr4Ni)9C4 is a metal carbide mineral formed by combination of Fe, Cr and Ni with C. It occurs in a chromite deposit in the Luobusha ophiolite, Tibet. Based on the determina- tion of its crystal structure, the empirical formula is (Fe4.12Cr3.84Ni0.96)8.92C3.70 and the simplified formula is (Fe4Cr4Ni)4C9. The mineral is hexagonal with a = 1.38392(2) nm, c = 0.44690(9) nm, space group P63 m c, Z=6 and the calculated specific gravity Dx = 7.089 g/cm3. Fe, Cr and Ni occupy different crystallographic sites and their coordination numbers are approximately 12, forming an alternate stacking sequence of flat and puckered layers along the c axis. Some me- tallic atoms have a defect structure. The interatomic distances of Fe, Cr and Ni are 0.2525— 0.2666 nm, and the distances between Fe, Cr, Ni and C are 0.1893—0.2169 nm. The coordina- tion number of carbon is 6. It occurs in interstices of the metallic atoms Fe, Cr and Ni to form trigonal-prismatically coordinated polyhedra. These coordination polyhedra are linked with each other via shared corners or shared edges into a new type of metal carbide structure. (Fe4Cr4Ni) 9C4 is a metal carbide mineral formed by combination of Fe, Cr and Ni with C. It occurs in a chromite deposit in the Luobusha ophiolite, Tibet. Based on the determina- tion of its crystal structure, the empirical formula is ( Fe4.12Cr3.84Ni0.96) 8.92C3.70 and the simplified formula is (Fe4Cr4Ni) 4C9. The mineral is hexagonal with a = 1.38392 (2) nm, c = 0.44690 (9) nm, space group P63mc, Z = 6 and the calculated specific gravity Dx = 7.089 g / cm3. Fe, Cr and Ni occupy different crystallographic sites and their coordination numbers are approximately 12, forming an alternate stacking sequence of flat and puckered layers along the c axis. Some me tali atoms The interatomic distances of Fe, Cr and Ni are 0.2525-0.2666 nm, and the distances between Fe, Cr, Ni and C are 0.1893-0.2169 nm. The coordina- tion number of carbon is 6. It occurs in interstices of the metallic atoms Fe, Cr and Ni to form trigonal-prismatic coordinated polyhedra se coordination polyhedra are linked with each other via shared corners or shared edges into a new type of metal carbide structure.
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