概述 无托结构是将机匣后部装在枪托内部,以便显著缩短全枪长的一种结构。无托枪最早出现于第二次世界大战以后,1945年英国在探讨研制新一代步兵武器时,推出了采用无托结构的EM17mm自动步枪。与此同时,西欧其他国家也相继推出了无托结构的自动步枪。到20世纪70年代末,无托枪得到全世界的认同,各国掀起了研制热潮,先后推出了以法国法玛斯5.56mm自动步
Overview The unstructured structure is a structure that houses the rear of the receiver inside the buttstock to significantly reduce the overall gun length. No shotgun first appeared in the aftermath of World War II, in 1945 the British explored the development of a new generation of infantry weapons, the introduction of the unmanned EM17mm automatic rifle structure. In the meantime, other countries in Western Europe have also launched automatic rifles without a support structure. By the late 1970s, no stalkers were recognized throughout the world, all countries set off a craze for research and development, and successively launched a self-made French Farmers 5.56mm Step