几年前,曾经有一家外国航运杂志的专栏作家写文章评论说:“尽管目前上海远洋公司还是橡树籽,但是不久它就会长成参天大树。”今天,当上海远洋运输公司跨入她的而立之年,人们确实已对她刮目相看。 诞生于1964年的上海远洋公司,30年的发展速度惊人。成立之初,公司只有8艘船、6.2万载重吨。而目前已拥有各类船舶140多艘,
A few years ago, a columnist of a foreign shipping magazine wrote a commentary saying: “Although Shanghai COSCO is still an oak seed, it soon grows into a towering tree.” Today, when Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company stepped into her The eve of the year, people really have her admiration. Shanghai Ocean Shipping Company, born in 1964, has witnessed phenomenal growth in 30 years. Since its establishment, the company has only eight vessels, 62,000 dwt. At present, it has more than 140 vessels of various types,