Composed of female, commonly known as aunt, is a very unique and mysterious female community originated in the South of the Five Ridges, Hing Yuen Ming, Sheng Yu in the Qing Dynasty, decline in the early Republic of China. As a result, the vivacious gypsies and the seemingly paradise-like galleys, who became self-reliant, became the place where dreaming, longing and defection of millions of women who were insulted. They are as young as thirteen, as early as their twenties, decided to comb their hair, life is not married, in order to show the world, this life will be goodbye to the world of men. According to the survey by Wu Qing in the late Qing dynasty, only Panyu Nancun, in 1903, married thousands of women, however, but few, and in 1909 there was no one to marry. The heart of the strong, the sadness of its love, its sexual fierce, can