“Papa” makes quilts to wrap people in need with love 棉被“爸爸”

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  1. veteran /?vet?r?n/ n. 老兵
  2. batch /b?t?/ n. 一批
  3. refugee /?refju?d?i?/ n. 难民;避难者
  4. fabric /?f?br?k/ n. 织物;布
  For 15 years, Brent Rushton—warmly known as “Papa”—has pieced together beautiful quilts to donate. “Ive given them to the Road Home shelters and the veterans,” said Rushton. His latest batch of masterpieces is going to refugees. “Most of them come in with no belongings, except the clothes that are on them,” explained Rushton.
  One year he made a quilt for the Festival of Trees, which sold for $3,000. He gives quilts away to family, friends, and neighbors, too. “I spent the first 75 years of my life being mean, so all of a sudden I decided Id better turn over a new leaf,” laughed Rushton.
  He says hes probably made between 200 and 300 quilts over the years. Thats a lot of time spent in his shop—which was originally designed for wood working. He used to spend 12 hours a day there making quilts. “Im down to about six hours a day these days,” Rushton said. But he doesnt mind at all. “Id go nuts if I didnt have something to do,” he said. “And it happens that this interests me.” The 80?year?old says he doesnt show much emotion, but he does like the way it feels when he finds out one of his quilts has made an impact on someone. “I feel pretty good about helping somebody get a smile on their face,” he said. Rushton has received some donated fabric, but buys most of the supplies himself. Mountain America Credit Union donated $500 to Rushton to help him keep making the beautiful quilts.
  These quilts are the source of emotional and spiritual support for Rushton. They not only wrap people in need with love but also offer a chance for Rushton to connect him with the outside world in a loving way, which defines a meaningful and rewarding life.
馬德琳·英格的小说《时间的皱纹》叙述的是15岁的女孩麦格寻找失踪的爸爸的故事。这本风格独特的书,激发了我们对爱的思索,对人文主义的关怀以及对快乐生活的展望。  A Wrinkle in Time begins by relating Megs personal struggles at school and her inability to fit in with the crowd. This
她們将回到原先的生活  唐训宏举起手中的杯子,与围着饭桌的十几个女人干杯。和唐训宏一样,她们的脸上没有妆,一头黑发扎在耳后,彼此称呼对方为“老师”。临近高考的这些天里,打招呼的方式成了:快了、快了……你什么时候走?毛坦厂中学高三、高四的教学楼下,各自挂着一个电子屏,上面写着:距离高考仅剩6天。  酒杯敬向每一个人,唐训宏今年46岁,大家都叫她“唐校长”。她看着周围的女人们,她们都是从外地来到毛坦厂
同源高考  妹妹落水保镇静,哥哥相助见真情。  难词探意  1. current /?k?r?nt/ n. 水流  2. grab /gr?b/ v. 抓住  3. hip /h?p/ n. 臀部  4. waist /we?st/ n. 腰部  Ma?la and Karel Godin said what they had learned in swimming lessons helped
海詞积累  1. a flowing long robe 飘逸的长袍  2. beaded floral embroidery 串珠绣花  3. metro n. 地铁  4. boom v. 繁荣昌盛; 迅速发展  5. Han ethnic majority 汉族人  6. patriotism n. 爱国主义  7. debut v. 初次登台  8. tassel n. 流苏  9. or
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