Entransy dissipation analysis and optimization of separated heat pipe system

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dreamlisheng
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Seperated heat pipe systems are widely used in the fields of waste heat recovery and air conditioning due to their high heat transfer capability,and optimization of heat transfer process plays an important role in high-efficiency energy utilization and energy conservation.In this paper,the entransy dissipation analysis is conducted for the separated heat pipe system,and the result indicates that minimum thermal resistance principle is applicable to the optimization of the separated heat pipe system.Whether in the applications of waste heat recovery or air conditioning,the smaller the entransy-dissipation-based thermal re-sistance of the separated heat pipe system is,the better the heat transfer performance will be.Based on the minimum thermal resistance principle,the optimal area allocation relationship between evaporator and condenser is deduced,which is numeri-cally verified in the optimation design of separated heat pipe system. Seperated heat pipe systems are widely used in the fields of waste heat recovery and air conditioning due to their high heat transfer capability, and optimization of heat transfer process plays an important role in high-efficiency energy utilization and energy conservation. In this paper, the entransy dissipation analysis is conducted for the separated heat pipe system, and the result indicates that minimum thermal resistance principle is applicable to the optimization of the separated heat pipe system. WHether in the applications of waste heat recovery or air conditioning, the smaller the entransy- dissipation-based thermal re-sistance of the separated heat pipe system is, the better the heat transfer performance will be based on the minimum thermal resistance principle, the optimal area allocation relationship between evaporator and condenser is deduced, which is numeri-cally verified in the optimation design of separated heat pipe system.
咏史诗是中国古代诗歌中的一枝奇葩。高中语文教材选入的咏史诗就有4首,分别为刘禹锡的《石头城》、杜甫的《蜀相》、苏轼的《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》、辛弃疾的《永遇乐·京口·北固亭怀古》,下面笔者仅就咏史诗的内容和表达技巧做一些探究。  从内容方面考察,咏史诗大致有三种类型。  第一类是咏历史人物。此类最多,出现的也最早。班固《咏史》,名为咏史,实乃咏缇萦其人;陶潜的《咏荆轲》,题目上已经标明;后来此类诗作,