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要使第二课堂顺利开辟和健康发展,需要从认识上、理论上弄清第二课堂的性质、特点、内容与方法等问题.从信息论的观点来看,所谓教学工作实质上就是一种信息传递的过程.传统的教学体系(第一课堂)就是遗用教材——文字,通过教师的讲授——语言,采取课堂教学的形式,把信息传递给学生.按传统的教学体系办学,虽然也有课外活动,但它被认为仅仅是课堂教学的延伸与补充,处于从属的可有可无的地位.这是不适应“三个面向”的要求的.什么是第二课堂?所谓第二课堂,就是在第一课堂之外,在教师的指导下,以发展学生的个性特长,发展智力,培养学生探索创造和应变能力为中 For the smooth development and healthy development of the second classroom, the nature, characteristics, content, and methods of the second classroom need to be known and theoretically understood. From the information theory point of view, the so-called teaching work is essentially a kind of information. The process of delivery. The traditional teaching system (first class) is the text of the legacy teaching material, which is taught by the teacher—language and takes the form of classroom teaching. The information is passed on to the students. The traditional teaching system runs schools, although there are also Extra-curricular activities, but it is considered to be only an extension and supplement of classroom teaching, and is in a subordinated optional position. This is a requirement that does not adapt to the “three orientations.” What is the second classroom? The so-called second classroom, It is outside the first classroom, under the guidance of teachers, to develop students’ individual characteristics, develop intelligence, and develop students’ ability to explore creativity and adaptability.
1 .下列反应由于氧化而引起溶液颜色变深的是 (   ) .A .向FeCl3 溶液中通入H2 S气体B .向Fe(NO3 ) 2 溶液中加入稀硫酸少许C .向Fe(NO3 ) 3 溶液中加入硫氰化钾溶液D .向N
读了1983年《化学教学》第四期傅雪夫同志写的《初中学生化学实验中常见的错误》一文后,我按作者原文写作顺序再作些补充,供初中教师参考。 After reading the article “C
本文由三部分组成:(1)忽视算术根概念(2)忽视极限运算定理的条件(3)忽视极限的存在性。 This paper consists of three parts: (1) ignore the concept of arithmetic roots
這一篇是供北京市初中算術教師參考用的,但對全國的初中算術教師来說,也許有相當的參考價值。因此,把它刊登在這裏。為了排版的便利,我們將原作的表格形式改變了一下。 This