Formation of uniform reduced graphene oxide films on modified PET substrates using drop-casting meth

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuangdei
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In this work,uniform reduced graphene oxide(RGO) films were formed on poly-(ethylene terephthalate)(PET) substrates using a simple drop-casting method.We investigated four types of substrates:unmodified PET,polydopamine-coated PET.carboxyl-group-modified PET,and alkyl-group-modified PET.Upon water evaporation,the surface of the polydopamine-modified PET substrates can interact with the reduced graphene oxide sheets to form flattened and continuous RGO films,which exhibit a sheet resistance of 21.75 kΩ/sq at 82%transmittance.The result indicates that the properties of the surface groups determined whether uniform and flattened RGO films could be formed on the substrates.Hence,we proposed a simple and effective way to produce transparent and conductive films in which the catechol unit exhibits a great effect on the deposition of uniform RGO films on PET substrates. In this work, uniform reduced graphene oxide (RGO) films were formed on poly- (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) substrates using a simple drop-casting method. We investigated four types of substrates: unmodified PET, polydopamine-coated PET. group-modified PET, and alkyl-group-modified PET.Upon water evaporation, the surface of the polydopamine-modified PET substrates can interact with the reduced graphene oxide sheets to form flattened and continuous RGO films, which exhibit a sheet resistance of 21.75 kΩ / sq at 82% transmittance. The result indicates that the properties of the surface groups decide whether uniform and flattened RGO films could be formed on the substrates .ence, we propose a simple and effective way to produce transparent and conductive films in which the the catechol unit exhibits a great effect on the deposition of uniform RGO films on PET substrates.
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