统一安排 调整部署 积极稳妥地做好农村税费改革试点工作——在全省农村税费改革试点工作会议上的讲话(摘要)

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根据党中央、国务院的部署,去年12月召开了全省经济工作会,省委、省政府决定2001年在全省推开农村税费改革试点。前一阶段,全省各级党委、政府高度重视农村税费改革试点工作,党政一把手亲自抓,负总责,分管领导具体抓,广泛宣传发动,周密组织实施,积极开展业务培训,深入调查研究,认真分析测算,精心拟定改革方案,做了大量基础性工作。总的来看,全省农村税费改革试点工作进展基本是顺利的,广大基层干部和农民群众识大体、顾大局,积极支持改革。这充分证明,省委、省政府按照党中央、国务院部署作出在全省推开农村税费改革试点的决策是正确的。 According to the arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the province’s economic work conference was held in December last year. The provincial party committee and government decided to launch a pilot reform of rural taxes and fees in 2001 in the province. The previous stage, the province’s party committees and governments at all levels attach great importance to rural tax reform pilot work, party and government leaders personally, the overall responsibility, in charge of specific leadership, widely publicized mobilization, careful organization and implementation, and actively carry out business training and in-depth investigation Research, conscientiously analyze and calculate, elaborate the reform plan, and do a great deal of basic work. In general, the progress of pilot rural tax reform in the province has basically proceeded smoothly. The grassroots cadres and peasants know well the overall situation and actively support the reform. This fully proves that the decisions made by the provincial party committee and the provincial government in accordance with the arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for the pilot reform of rural taxes and fees in the whole province are correct.
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