逆行射精是造成不育的原因之一,尚无好的治疗方法。收集膀胱内精液行人工授精,是目前应用最广泛方法。我们在不育门诊为1对逆行射精而不育的夫妇采用此方法,取得成功。 一、一般情况 张某,男,30岁,其妻29岁,均系农民。婚后同居6年未孕,性生活正常,自述同房时男方有性高潮而无精液。否认有关病史,体检无异常发现。手淫后尿液检查见大量死、活精子。诊断:特发性逆行射精症。经1年多用中草药、麻黄硷等治疗无效。女方月经规则,医院检查排除不孕因素。 二、手术经过 人工授精在女方月经周期13天进行,体检宫颈
Retrograde ejaculation is one of the causes of infertility, there is no good treatment. Intrauterine sperm collection artificial insemination line is the most widely used method. We use infertility clinics as a pair of retrograde ejaculation and infertility couples using this method to achieve success. First, the general situation Zhang, male, 30 years old, his wife is 29 years old, are peasants. Cohabitation after 6 years of pregnancy is not pregnant, sexual life is normal, when the husband describes the intercourse with men orgasm without semen. Denied the history, no abnormal physical examination found. See a large number of urine tests after masturbation, live sperm. Diagnosis: idiopathic retrograde ejaculation. After more than one year with Chinese herbal medicine, ephedrine and other treatment is invalid. Women’s menstrual rules, the hospital check to exclude infertility. Second, surgery after artificial insemination in the woman’s menstrual cycle 13 days, physical examination cervix