历代王朝治理瑶民的赋役政策基本上是一脉相承的 ,大致为一种减免赋役负担的优惠政策 ,且随着时间的推移逐步走向系统与完备 ,但其中也杂有曲折和反复。这种演变正是民族关系发展的晴雨表和外在表现 ,其背后有着深刻的社会历史根源。概括起来 ,其发生与演变是以下四个方面的因素共同作用的结果 :其一 ,王朝的处境 ;其二、瑶民的处境 ;其三、双边往来 ,其四、政治博弈。反观历史上的治瑶赋役制度等经济政策 ,可以为我国更好地实施民族区域自治提供有益的借鉴。
The dynastic dynastic rule of Yao people’s policy of contributing to the government basically followed the same strain, which was roughly a kind of preferential policy of relieving the tax burden on the government and gradually moving towards system and completeness as time went by. However, it was also complicated and repetitive. This evolution is precisely the barometer of the development of ethnic relations and its outward manifestation. It has profound social and historical roots behind it. To sum up, its occurrence and evolution are the result of the following four factors: First, the dynastic situation; second, the situation of Yao people; third, bilateral contacts, and fourth, the political game. On the contrary, the economic policies such as the rule of Yao and the system of government in history can provide useful reference for our country to better implement the regional autonomy of minority nationalities.