Lottery is a wide range of social and cultural phenomena, involving many aspects of social and economic structure, human psychology, living habits, morality and religion, and has considerable social influence. Origin of lottery activities can be traced back to the Middle Ages, it entered the field of sports after the 18th century. It is precisely because of the introduction of sports lotteries that objectively promoted the dissemination and development of horse racing, boxing, rowing and other projects. At present, there are more than 70 countries and regions conducting sports lottery activities on five continents. Not only the developed western countries such as the United States, Britain, Japan, France, Germany, Italy and the former Soviet Union have a long history of issuing sports lotteries, but also Algeria, For many years, developing countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Ecuador and Bulgaria have also drawn sports care and financial support from the community through sports lotteries. Sports lotteries have gone deep into people’s daily life. Every festival, birthday, wedding and other auspicious days, lottery tickets are treated as “auspicious” and “luck” gifts, once the lottery, it is memorable gift.