当今社会,人们已完全融入了一个高速变革的信息时代;换而言之,人们不仅在办公室工作时无时无刻离不开对信息的需求,而且,由于ADSL, Internet和自动控制等技术的飞速发展,正在对人们的日常居家生活带来巨大的变化,人们对家居的要求已经远远不再局限于一张床,一个气派的客厅等温饱型需求,而向生活的舒适性即家庭设备的自动化和文化氛围(教育,娱乐,与外界的联系)提出了更高的要求,而智能化住宅(Intelligent Home Systems,即 IHS)的概念就由此应运而生了。
In today’s society, people have completely integrated into a rapidly changing information era; in other words, people not only need information all the time while working in the office, but also because of the rapid development of technologies such as ADSL, Internet and automatic control, Is making great changes to people’s daily home life. People’s demands for home are far from being limited to the subsistence needs of a bed, a style living room, etc., and the comfort to life is the automation of home equipment and The cultural atmosphere (education, entertainment, connection with the outside world) sets higher demands, and the concept of Intelligent Home Systems (IHS) comes into being.