继台湾朱宗庆打击乐团去年4月来大陆西安、北京、深圳巡回演出之后,陕西打击乐艺术团一行27人应邀于去年底赴台北、台中、高雄巡回演出.半年之内两团成行,可以说是海峡两岸打击乐乐坛的一桩盛事。 深具秦风秦韵的陕西打击乐艺术团,在被称为“中国三大鼓王”之一的大陆演奏家安志顺率领下,老中青三代音乐家演出包括《鸭子拌咀、老虎磨牙》、《狮子戏铃》、《欢度新春》、《黄河激浪》、《昭陵六骏》等14个新老节目,为台湾观众一展“黄河激浪鼓跃情”,受到台湾观众的热烈欢迎。
After the Taiwan Zhu Zongqing Percussion Orchestra toured Xi’an, Beijing and Shenzhen in mainland China in April last year, a total of 27 people from Shaanxi Percussion Troupe were invited to tour Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung at the end of last year. A big event in the percussion music scene across the Taiwan Strait. Shaanxi Percussion Troupe with deep Qin Qin and Qin Yun performed under the leadership of mainland Chinese performer An Zhishun, known as one of the “Three Drum King of China”. The performance of three generations of musicians including “duck with Tsui and tiger molars” , “New Year’s Eve”, “Lion Dance”, “New Year’s Eve”, “The Yellow River Wave” and “Zhaoling Liujun” and other 14 new programs for the audience in Taiwan “The Yellow River Wave Drum Yueqing” by the Taiwanese audience a warm welcome.