现在的青年球迷们知道“代麟径“、“胡登挥“这两个名字的恐怕很少了。但是,在庄严而厚重的《中国体育年鉴》一书中,却忠实地记载着代麟径作为中国足球队教练率队出征第六届世界杯预选赛、作为八一队主教练长期转战国内外的一页;记载着胡登辉作为中国足球队主力角逐于亚洲新兴力量运动会的一页……然而,他们却过早地离开了足球,离开了人世。也许,当时,人们对他们的逝去只有惋惜、悲哀; 而今天,当呼唤中国足球快冲出低谷之声愈见急切时,才更加诅咒,憎恨那窒息、扼杀英才良将的动乱岁月…… (一) 当人们终于破门而入,涌进代麟径——这位八一
Now young fans know that “Dai Ling path”, “Huden wave” these two names probably very little. However, in the solemn and solemn “China Sports Yearbook,” one book, but faithfully records on behalf of Lin Shoulong as the Chinese football team led his unit set off the Sixth World Cup qualifier, as Bayi team coach for a long time at home and abroad fought A page; recorded Hu Denghui as the Chinese soccer team competed in the main force of the Asian New Power Games page ... ... However, they prematurely left the football, left the world. Perhaps, at that time, people only regretted their sorrow and sorrow. Today, when calling for the fast breakout of football in China is more urgent, it is even more cursed and hatred of the turmoil that suffocated and strangled the elite of talent ... ) When people finally break into the door, pour into the generation of Ling Road - the 81