According to the current RTM injection pressure selection more experience, the subjective dependence is too strong, the numerical calculation is limited to a simple model, not suitable for complex shapes or known parameters of the model to solve, and the initial population of genetic algorithms are mostly randomly generated, easily lead to algorithms Premature or not convergent, this paper proposes an improved genetic algorithm based on rough sets. Discriminant matrix method is used to reduce the attribute of RTM injection pressure decision table, and the similarity threshold is set to extract the samples that meet the similarity requirement in the knowledge base to generate the initial population. The example shows that the injection time before and after attribute reduction is almost the same, but the speed of knowledge retrieval and retrieval after reduction is 41% higher than that before reduction, which means that the attribute reduction of RTM injection pressure decision table will not change the knowledge classification, Significantly increase the speed of calculation. In addition, the improved genetic algorithm converged at the 17th generation, whereas the standard genetic algorithm did not converge until the 26th generation, indicating that the improved genetic algorithm converged faster and more stable than the standard genetic algorithm. It proves that it is feasible and effective to improve the RTM injection pressure with the improved method.