生活本身的目的就是追求幸福,追求幸福让众生殊途同归。——安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)幸福是什么?幸福在哪里?我们会思考,我们也会追寻。每个人的幸福都是不一样的,因为所在的位置不一样、角度不一样,幸福的指标也就不一样。农民拥有一个丰收的麦季,他是幸福的;生意人赚了钱,他是幸福的;警察侦破了刑事案件,他是幸福的;律师打赢了官司,他是幸福的;小朋友得到了幼儿园阿姨的夸奖,他是幸福的……那么教师的幸福是什么呢?在如今这个物欲横流、充满压力的时代里,有多少教师能够静下心来,又有多少教师能够真正找到幸福呢?尤其是以
The purpose of life itself is the pursuit of happiness, the pursuit of happiness so that all living things at the same time. - Anne Frank What is happiness? Where is happiness? We will think, we will follow. Everyone’s happiness is not the same, because the location is not the same, not the same point of view, the indicators of happiness is not the same. He is happy when the farmer owns a good harvest; he is happy when the businessman makes money; the police detest the criminal case; he is happy; the lawyer wins the lawsuit; he is happy; the child gets the kindergarten Aunt’s compliment, he is happy ...... So what is the teacher’s happiness? In today’s materialistic and stressful times, how many teachers can calm down and how many teachers can really find happiness? Especially To